Secretary-Treasurer's Report


July 16, 2013

Good afternoon Union Brothers and Sisters!

The good news continues . . .

I promised to update you when the new members’ link was working on our website. . . today is the day.  So please take a moment to see who our new Brothers and Sisters are.  We have had over 100 new members join Local 7019 since the start of 2013:  3 at AT&T Mobility and 98 at CenturyLink.  New applications continue to arrive weekly!  As our numbers grow, our voice grows as well!


Since my report went out last week, the Executive Board approved our financial statements for April and May, 2013.  April was an extremely good month.  Our expenses were very low at about $35,000.  This helped to offset expenses in May of approximately $51,000.  This increase is largely the result of an additional payroll cycle during the month.  Also, the expenses to attend the National Convention were paid in May.  Despite this increase, we remain fiscally strong.  Our account balances have grown since the start of the fiscal year and our expenses in total are down nearly $84,000 for the same period during the prior year.


 In Unity,

Sue Head



June 28, 2013

Hello Union Brothers and Sisters!
Nothing but good news to report from your Secretary/Treasurer’s office! 

I am excited to report we have successfully continued our journey down the path of responsible spending we started during the 2009/2010 fiscal year!  It has been nearly four years since we have had to use money from investment tools and savings to cover our operating expenses. 

During the first half of the 2012/2013 fiscal year, we have continued to see reductions in anticipated spending and some growth in receipts due to recent membership gains.  Here are some highlights of our financials for the period beginning October 1, 2012 and ending March 31, 2013:

Our account balances have grown from $301,771.38 to $346,527.86, a gain of nearly $45,000 compared to a gain of approximately $17,000 the year before.

Income over the six month period was $312,175.85.  When adjusted for the SIF rebate of $32,920, it is $279,255.85.

Disbursements totaled $271,949.80 during the first half of 2012/2013 compared to $347,209.04 during first half of 2011/2012 or a reduction in spending of $75,259.24.   This decrease is primarily the result of payroll reductions.  We reduced our OPEIU staff to one when the secretary left last year.  In addition, the efforts of our AVPs to keep the Unit Lost Wages to a minimum has significantly impacted this number.

2012/2013 Budget Planning:

The Finance Committee will be meeting in July to prepare a budget which will be presented to the delegates at our Local’s Annual Convention.  The members of this Committee work diligently reviewing spending requests and recommend changes when necessary.  The process this year is not expected to require the same level of reductions needed in the past to achieve a balanced budget.

When reviewing membership numbers in preparation for planning next year’s budget, we determined we lost approximately 100 members.  This accounts for the reduction in receipts.  However, we have seen recent gains due to addition of Network Technicians, Broadband Technicians and Center Sales & Service Associates.  Over the past two months, over 110 new membership applications have been received!  We will soon have a link on our website listing our new brothers and sisters.  I will notify you when it is available.

Bylaws Changes:
Our Bylaws are available on the Local’s website ( .  If you have any revisions you would like considered, please submit proposed changes to: 
Bylaws Committee
CWA Local 7019
1615 N 16th Street
Phoenix, AZ  85008


The Bylaws Committee will meet prior to the Convention to review proposed changes and make a determination whether or not to recommend to the Delegates. 




In Unity,
Sue Head





April 15, 2011

We have finished the first half of our fiscal year and are on track to having another great one! Here are a few of the highlights:

• Average monthly dues received compared to the projected average used for the proposed budget are right in line.

• Overall spending during the first half is more than $16,000 under budget; however, some of this surplus is expected to be used during the second half for annual expenditures.

• Total Receipts exceeded Total Disbursements for the six month period.

• Our bank account balances have grown by nearly $5,400 since the current budget started on October 1, 2010.

Although numerous factors contributed to this positive growth, the most significant contribution continues to come from your Union Structure. Each of your representatives including your Stewards, Area Representative and Area Vice President continue to give a considerable amount of their personal time to represent you. The surplus in the Unit Lost Wages budget category accounts for over half of the $16,000 surplus noted above.

In addition, the number of memberships in a pending status (we are waiting to receive their first dues payment) have been greatly reduced. There has also been a reduction in the time period from approval of membership application to receipt of the first payment.

So all the hard work has paid off! Thank you for your support.

Sue Head



April 29, 2010

It was good to see so many familiar faces at our CWA Day at 20 E. Thomas. Thank you to everyone who took out time from their busy day to attend. A special thank you to retirees Dee Cantoni and Terry Wich for all the hard work they put into the event! A number of members stopped by and either signed new COPE cards or increased their current contribution. Kathy McKee was the winner of the movie themed basket and Jason Real won the Diamondbacks basket. Congratulations to you both!

We are still looking for members who are willing to help with our committees. Please take a moment to review the committee website to see which one you would like to join. If you have any questions, call the chair listed or contact any officer.

I look forward to providing an update on our 2nd quarter spending once the Executive Board has reviewed and approved the financial statements for the months of February and March, 2010. The update will be sent out in a couple of weeks.

In Unity,

Sue Head





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