Unit 8

AVP Vonda Wilkins



February 2, 2015









There will be a Unit 8 meeting held to nominate and elect Area Rep(s) for Area(s) 1, 2, 3 and 4



If for some reason you are unable to attend the meeting for nominations and elections you should have two letters on file with the Secretary/Treasurer of Local 7019. One letter from a member in your area to nominate you as a candidate with a second signature from another member in the area as the second to the nomination.  The second letter should come from you the candidate accepting the nomination.



The meeting will be held:


DATE:          Wednesday  February 11, 2015

TIME:           6:00pm        

PLACE:        Hilton Hotel  - 20 E Thomas



Nominations will be from 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Voting will be at 7:00pm








JANUARY 29, 2013 

Greeting’s Brothers and Sisters of Unit 8, Welcome to 2013.

We begin the year as we closed 2012 with no contract.  Although our bargaining committee is working hard on our behalf progress has proven to be slow.  We ask that you don’t lose faith and continue to support this committee while they are working through some tough issues with our employer.   

We continue to work day to day.   I ask that you don’t forget about the men and women in Denver fighting on our behalf.  As a member, you can stay informed by getting involved.   Bargaining updates are posted regularly, as well as the weekly bargaining calls.  Please see a steward or call the hall if you need the password to the updates or listen to the recorded call. 

Screening – We have been slammed in queue since the beginning of the year.  Our daily service levels have been below 80%; therefore, overtime has been called.  Anyone willing and able to work the OT, please do so by calling the RAS.  One of the many reasons causing the below average service levels, are the amount of people out of the office on a daily basis.  Phoenix repair center is the home of 53 wonderful, knowledgeable screeners; however, we have had up to 26 people out of the office on any given day in this month. 

I encourage the use of your entitlement time as it has been negotiated on our behalf; however, if entitlement and demand time is not available, please make every effort to be at work each and every day scheduled.  Attendance and reliability is one of the many factors considered when a decision is made on closing centers.  We don’t want our center to close.

The flex and demand agreement for 2013 are being worked on and should have them in place very soon. 

Movement of seats changed from screeners to management.   We also have a new manager in our center, Andre Torres; please take a moment to welcome him to our home. 

In the next few days, the Company will be covering us on the various 2013 metrics and policies.  Hopefully by now, you are aware of the changes being made as they become effective February 2013. 

LRAC – Demand and Flex policies are signed and you should be covered on them soon if not already.  Based on feedback from the original agreement the Union went back to the Company and some changes were made.  The verbiage of ”no demand day before or after a holiday” has been removed.  This though came at a cost to our members.  Instead of 5 demand days, there will 4 for 2013 with a limit of 2 per quarter. 

Members, please remember, in order to be successful, we must all give a little to get a little.  This was the best compromise we could get.  This center lost 17 people in the last VSPP.  There are less people in this center.  I recognize that not everyone will be happy with this decision, but I hope that everyone understand we did the best for the entire center.

Spoc is in its final phase of transitioning into I&M.  Currently only 2 people are left in Spoc.  If you should see anyone working an earlier shift, they are in training.  This is only temporary.  I ask that you be patient during this time.  It will not last forever.

The Union is working with the Company on managers moving work.  They should not be doing our work, and if you find that they are please notify the Union as soon as possible. 

The company will be enforcing the office guidelines this year.  Please adhere to all policies as well as being respectful to your peers.  If you need to use your cellphones, do so on your lunch and/or breaks and use them off of the work floor.  Your neighbors do not need to hear your phone calls.  Also, remember to keep your phones on silent or vibrate while at your desk.

RPS – All is quiet.  Thank you for completing your entitlement selection with great speed. 

AT&T – Your contract will expire on February 9th.  The Union is updating your Union boards over the next few weeks.  If your contact information has changed, please call the hall to update your information.  You need to keep informed on all that’s going on with your Company. 

If you are working next to someone who is not a member, try to encourage them to join or call a steward.  Our information is posted and we welcome all calls.

Century-Link Kiosk- all is quiet in this workgroup as well.  Your elected representatives will become more visible to you as we make visits to your location.

CMC - A meeting will be set up with this group to talk over the multiple issues of contractors doing your work.  A visit to the work group is in the making. 

Lastly, I need to remind everyone that all of the stewards are employees of CenturyLink, please be respectful to them when you approached them with your immediate concerns.  We cannot do Union work on the floor.  We can talk to you on lunches and breaks.  You are free to call or text us.  We don’t want anyone getting into trouble.

We are always looking for members willing to step up and help out.  Please let Vonda or I know if you want to join any committee or interested in becoming a steward.

 In Unity,




January 17, 2012


Unit Meeting and Area Rep Nomination/Elections Information Below



Area Vice President Vonda Wilkins


Where:         Hilton Hotel – 20 E Thomas

When:          February 8th

                    6:30pm – 7:00pm


Please make the time in your busy schedules to support your Union and learn what’s happening around you in your workplace.




Area Vice President Vonda Wilkins


A Unit 8 meeting will be held to nominate and elect Area Reps for Area’s 1, 2, & 3.


Nominations will be taken from the floor, or in written form, at the Unit meeting. All written nominations (the nomination and/or the second to the nomination) must be on file with the Secretary-Treasurer’s office. The nominee must be present to accept the nomination, or have a signed letter on file with the Secretary-Treasurer stating they will accept the nomination. All letters must be sent by certified mail to CWA Local 7019 C/O Secretary Treasurer, 1615 N 36th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008 and must be received by 4:00 pm on February 7, 2012.


DATE:                     February 8, 2012

TIME:                     7:00pm – 7:30pm

LOCATION:             Hilton Hotel - 20 E Thomas


Nominations will be from 7:00pm – 7:15pm

  If necessary, voting will be from 7:15pm – 7:30 pm

And voting from 10:30am – 11:30am on February 9, 2012, at the

 Union Hall (1615 N 36th Street)