Unit 4

AVP Mariano Godoy



May 22, 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters:
It is with great concern that I write this report. In the last few months, many changes were made by the company and, as a result, the jobs of many of our brothers and sisters were lost. Leadership has changed in several departments, including the NOHD, Inbound and El Centro. With these changes, new challenges will arise and it will be imperative to our success and survival that we are more unified than ever. We will be holding a Unit meeting on June 4th from 3:30PM to 7:30PM at the Hilton Hotel so that all of you can attend and we can discuss how these changes will affect us all in both short and long term. Please make your calendars!

NOHD: New leadership was brought in with the addition of Nelson Guzzo and Sara Mendevil. Adjustments are beginning to be made and challenges are starting to surface. We might be in for some serious changes due to new personalities and management styles joining our force. I will work to prevent what I can through conversation and integration but we will need to work together in some issues. Some of you might feel uncomfortable testing the waters or pushing certain issues but unless we are consistent and unified they will pick us apart. We will discuss further in our meeting.

El Centro: Discipline has been kept at a minimum, with most of it being implemented due to attendance violations. Other issues, however, still need to be addressed and your participation will play the most relevant part in your future. I will ask you to keep in mind that senior leadership is very much the “Company against Union” type and to choose your actions carefully. You have to decide if you are on our side or on the Company’s. Think about expectations, development, training, etc… when deciding whether you want to act in protecting your future or save your “friendship” with your manager.

Retention: These centers are new, with pretty much everyone still trying to figure out their roles and how to carry out their work functions; this includes management. Most of the local leadership team was hired from outside and therefore the lack of knowledge of our systems, products and culture (including Company-Union relationship) is, to say the least, obvious. This is a center that needs to be better organized; a center with too many NON-MEMBERS and a center that desperately needs to find its voice. Come to the meeting, we’ll talk. If you don’t participate in forcing changes and protecting your interests I am afraid that your future as a center is in serious jeopardy.  Please understand your rights and request representation for your meetings.

SBG Bilingual Sales: This is our newest center. Your coaching and development are still; based on what we hear, not up to par. The problem is that stewards are not being requested when the meetings are taking place and therefore we hear about the problems too late. We attempted to investigate and overturn a few pieces of discipline but were unsuccessful because the documentation provided by management paints a picture that contradicts your claims. Please remember that we can only work with what we can prove and that if we are not being included in your meetings, we can only base our arguments on the embellished notations

In Unity

Mariano Godoy
Area Vice President



February 2, 2015









There will be a Unit 4 meeting held to nominate and elect Area Rep(s) for Area(s) 1, 2 and 3



If for some reason you are unable to attend the meeting for nominations and elections you should have two letters on file with the Secretary/Treasurer of Local 7019. One letter from a member in your area to nominate you as a candidate with a second signature from another member in the area as the second to the nomination.  The second letter should come from you the candidate accepting the nomination.



The meeting will be held:


DATE:          Wednesday  February 11, 2015

TIME:           6:00pm        

PLACE:        Hilton Hotel  - 20 E Thomas



Nominations will be from 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Voting will be at 7:00pm








July 21, 2014

Hello, Brothers and Sisters:
It’s been a couple of months since the last report and I wanted to make sure to (in case you are not aware of them) share some news. This report will be short and we will expand during our next meeting.

Last week I took part in the Grace Carroll Rocky Mountain Labor School in Flagstaff. We spent a lot of time examining our history and learning a great deal about other subjects. My favorite one was Labor Law. It was great getting questions answered by actual Labor Lawyers even when the answer was not what we were hoping to hear, so that we can address the problems we can in an effective way. It was a long tiring week but a great experience. I came home Friday night to find out that a payroll issue that affected employees from ENS and NOHD had not yet been resolved. I emailed the appropriate people as soon as I got home and I will follow up early this week. For those of you who are unaware, the Company continues to make mistakes with our payroll so I urge everyone to double check your paystubs and, if anything is wrong, bring it to the attention of your manager. Please do this in writing and copy me in your email. I would venture to say that almost every other pay period someone is being negatively affected.

El Centro, ENS and Sales: Not much is new for you in the way of discipline. Sales Effectiveness write-ups have been kept to a very low percentage and we continue to audit the Company’s operations. There are some things that we need to talk about, and that even though you are not breaking any rules, are hurting every one of you. They could cost you your job!

Retention:  You are the newest addition to our unit and a fast growing team. Welcome all of you who joined us! Many of you have already experienced challenges and difficulties when dealing you’re your management. Some of you talked to me about several issues (way you are talked to, lack of supervisory presence, etc…) and I want to make sure you knew that they were addressed. I need you to continue to bring those issues forward so that we can cut them off at the root when we can. We are having a meeting this Thursday and we should talk about the day to day operations of your department and things you might be doing that could cost you your job even though you are not breaking any rules (as I said in the El Centro section above)

NOHD: What can I say, things are not going to get any easier any time soon. While Retention and Sales departments continue to grow, there are no plans for real growth in ours. We are getting 4 more people soon but 8 of the original headcount were moved to SBG NOHD. We really don’t have any discipline to speak of for metrics, which is always great.

Please mark your calendars and make time to attend our meeting this Thursday at 6:30PM at the Hilton. I want to hear from you, let’s talk about the everyday problems you are encountering and let’s find solutions or ideas to fight or correct the ones we can.

In unity,




April 21, 2014

Hello everyone, I want to begin this month’s report by talking about the expansion of the Phoenix Sales forces and the introduction of the Residential Retention and the Small Business Retention teams.

Some of these additions come to Phoenix at the expense of the jobs of some of our brothers and sisters in other states, so to them I want to extend my deepest sympathies and best wishes in their future endeavors. 

For the Phoenix Centers, this movement of work brings tremendous growth and opportunities to become a more secure sector of the company and, more importantly, a more involved Unit and Local and a stronger Union. With the new addition in headcount I am going to need your help more than ever. We are a Union and we all must take part in our future. We’ve all received the emails from our CEO, Glen Post, talking about the closing of centers as a “part of our ongoing effort to help ensure CenturyLink remains competitive by reducing our cost structure, implementing best practices across the company, achieving operational efficiencies and improving customer service”, right? Lately, the word “consistency” has become a favorite in communications between the Company and us; meetings with our members are being shortened and presentations such as the ones about health benefits with our new members, cancelled. The Company uses the word “consistency” to deny these meetings because other Locals have not been conducting theirs the same way (even though this is in most cases not true). We are growing, it is true, but attrition is still a very real problem for our Sales and Retention centers. I can tell you that, about 7 years ago in Salk Lake City, the attrition in those centers were at one point 110%. Yes, 110%. This means that people were leaving faster than they could be replaced.  At one point, every college and university had been bled dry of candidates and as a result, high schools were being targeted to recruit employees. My fear is that we will reach that point in Phoenix if the current practices don’t change and if we as a workforce and as a Union don’t step up to the plate. Doing nothing can have severe consequences on our centers. How about we start small? Let’s all wear a red t-shirt on Thursdays; can we do that? We have been dormant as a Union for a very long time. Sure the discipline gets handled and issues are addressed as they come up but I need your help to rebuild the spirit that we once had.

I am not going to talk about all the different centers and issues with their respective management teams on this report since we just had a Unit meeting. 

So I will leave you with a reminder that we have our annual picnic scheduled for May 10th at the Steele Indian School Park. Come have a good time, talk, get involved and shape our future and the future of our kids. Look for posters being added to our boards this week.

In Unity,




DECEMBER 5, 2013

Can you believe that another year just went by?  Where did 2013 go? We'll get to the report in just a minute but first I wanted to ask “How would you like to help a good cause and have a chance to win a 60” Samsung 240Hz LED TV in time for the Holidays?” Our local is helping the Pediatric Aids Foundation with a fundraiser that can do just that! Tickets on sale now, 3x$10 or 8x$20. Contact me or a steward for more information. Thank you.

I wanted to touch on some of the good and the bad moments we lived and give thanks for things accomplished, learned and endured.

El Centro, Ensemble and Inbound groups
We lived through many ups and downs this year. Discipline reached an all-time high around the second quarter but we were able to, through a combination of relationship work and the grievance process, influence decisions, processes and practices. Much of this is done behind the scenes and many times before the decision to administer discipline is made by the company. As you know, the process isn't perfect and some of the players on the Company's senior leadership team are very difficult to work with. It is because of this that we will continue to ask for your assistance and remind you to not confuse a friendly manager with a friend. To address and resolve some of the issues created by some of them we will need your help reporting their conduct. It is your job to protect, do not entrust the same people who continue to threaten it, with its security. Some of the grievances were won and discipline overturned and those affected were notified as recently as last week. With your participation we could do even better and we need to do better if we really want things to change. We need to shine a spot light on threatening practices, violations of our rights and of the contract. Overall, we have made progress, though we still have much to work on. We went from having months with 25-40 or even 90 employees on discipline for Sales Effectiveness to about 10 in the months of October and November. Even with all the turnover, the centers have grown and are continuing to grow with 3 classes currently in training and 6 more in the books in the next 2 months. This should make for a bigger, stronger workforce with numbers climbing from approximately 250 (combined headcount) to about 375.

Discipline remains sparse and normally for tardy or absence occurrences only. We continue to work with Sabrina and the coaches on concerns brought to us by you. Not many changes took place this year; we moved floor and made some minor adjustments but we remain, for the most part, unchanged. Efficiencies continue to improve for most but there's still room for improvement and we'll keep hearing about the importance of overcoming some of the hurdles we have been working on.

Data Specialists
No major changes or issues with this group, either. We talked a while ago about schedules, tours and demand slots but aside from that you continue to work well with each other to cover the business' needs as well as your own.

Our Future
It seems like it was yesterday when I moved here from Utah; that I spent my first summer in the scorching heat of this desert and that we voted on the contract. But that was 2008. I guess time flies and opportunities keep passing us by, changes continue to take place and our chances to make a difference diminish with every uneventful day. The recent changes made to our contract have left many of us with a sour taste in our mouths (regardless of how each one of us voted) and we need to tap into that anger, that frustration that we felt during the negotiation period and let us drive to become a Union again. We need to regain the sense of solidarity and community that made unions so strong and reach out to the bodies and entities who support the Labor movement, the news groups, our friends and families,  go to the House and the Senate and talk about our issues, even if that means taking a vacation day or two a year to protect our interests. We need to change the public's misguided perception of who we are and what we stand for; we need to show them that we fight for their rights and the rights of their children as well. Lobby day is coming soon and this will present a great opportunity for all of us to make it the biggest in years. I will provide more detailed information next month; we are all getting new vacation time in January so let's have a good turn out!

To conclude, we can't let the next four years go by like the time between these last two contracts did or we will not recover. This isn't going to be fun or easy and it will take sacrifice but unless we begin working now we will soon have no future. One more thing: “If you are relatively new and you are happy with the changes made to this contract because you are receiving a decent wage increase, please do not rest on that feeling as you are not exempt from corporate greed and you will suffer next if this company has their way.” Protect and support each other.

Thank you for your support this year.

Happy Holidays,
Mariano Godoy


SEPTEMBER 17, 2013

What a night. As you know, Reed Roberts was in town last night and offered an explanation of the tentative agreement. He talked about why the committee presented this agreement; what the tone of negotiations were throughout the nearly year-long process; what the company presented prior to this tentative agreement and what they could (and likely would) come back with should the majority return a NO vote. He talked about the options the Company and the Union would have, should this be the outcome of the vote. I am not going to tell you that I like this contract and I am not going to tell you how to vote; this report will only include facts and educated estimations and outcome possibilities based on what was shared, depending whether the contract gets ratified or not.

A YES vote:

A YES vote will mean that we agree to the good and the bad presented in the tentative agreement. This agreement includes increases in healthcare premiums; green circled of titles; the implementation of two tier titles and changes to the 401K. These are the major points. Depending on tenure, age and title some of these changes will affect each one of us differently. We can look at how the increase of healthcare contributions will affect your annual take-home pay if you’d like, I have a calculator I can use to change the variables depending on coverage, dependents and wages. For the majority of our membership, these changes will not have a negative effect on take-home monies until 2015 or later. Some of the good points are job security language and the return of work from vendors (in the US and out of the country) into the bargaining unit.

 A NO vote:

A NO vote will be followed by one of several options. The bargaining committees could go back to the negotiations table and start the process as if nothing ever happened. This scenario is very unlikely based on observations by our bargaining committee. Even if they would resume negotiations, the company could (and very likely would as they are allowed under Federal Labor Law) terminate the contract and implement at that point some or all of the provisions outlined in the tentative agreement presented to us. A second option could be that the Company declares an impasse and puts out a best and final offer that, based on the information provided, would be substantially worse than the current tentative agreement. If this were to happen we would have two options; we could either take their new proposal or go out on strike. Should a strike be called it would be classified as an “Economic Strike” and this would allow the company to fire anyone who joins it.

These are our options and again I am not going to tell you how to vote but I will ask you to consider the following before you do:

  1. Are you prepared to strike for over 6 months should we need to? Do you have a second job or enough money saved to carry you through that time?

  2. In the event of a strike being called, are you prepared to put your fate in the hands of the same people who don’t want to give you what the bargaining committee negotiated for you?

  3. What is “YOUR” reality? Could you really not make it work should you have to pay $100-200 more per month in healthcare contributions? If the answer is NO, did you find another job that will pay you better than what you would make by accepting this tentative agreement?

  4. Do you think that we will have the needed support from the public to make a strike successful? Think about how they would feel if you tell them that you are not being given much of a raise and that the company wants to increase your healthcare costs and that you are making $40,000-$100,000+ (depending on title) in total compensation (wages, OT, commissions, differentials, etc…) and that you would be paying a fraction of what they pay for their families to be insured.  Add to that the fact that some of them could finally take a job with the company after positions are brought back from vendors and from out of the US, after being unemployed for however long.

  5. 55% of the total membership returned a strike ballot, of which 75% voted to authorize it. My educated guess is based on talking to you and hearing from members in other locals and I would say that (generously speaking) half of this number are prepared to strike for about 2 weeks with 20% of them being able to stay out longer than two weeks. The number would likely drop to less than 10% able to support it for more than 3 months. If we put it in actual number this looks something like this: 300 members voted to authorize the committee to call a strike; 2650 would strike for 2 weeks; 1600 would remain after that with only about 530 over three months.

  6. In the last two contracts 40% (approximately) of the membership voted on the ratification and around 80% voted yes. In today’s numbers this means that  approximately 4000 members participated in the decision with 7500 not showing interest (the rest are non-members)

To conclude, I wanted to address the behavior displayed by some of our members present last night. Understanding the pressure that this tentative agreement puts on all of us, the name-calling and personal attacks that took place among brothers and sisters are far worse than any I’d experienced from the company.  I am not saying don’t be mad, I am just asking you to redirect your anger and frustration and to do something with it. I’m mad! I am beyond frustrated with this company because I understand their current fiscal situation and the greed with which they operate. I am not saying that this is a good contract or that it is even a fair contract; I know that their pockets are deep and that they could do better but I also understand that the unfortunate economic situation of our country allows them to operate in the way they do. Get mad, get angry, get involved and do something with it. Whatever happens with this contract, the time to start organizing and strategizing to change legislation and improve the standard of living of our communities is now. We must change the way we have been operating and we cannot expect those in leadership roles to do it all. Paying dues doesn’t make us active members; it just allows us to exist. If we want to get stronger and if we want to have a better chance we all must get engaged. I know that some do not agree with the way I do or say things but as I said time and time again, I will not give you the answer you want to hear but the one you need to hear even if this means that my opportunities as an officer are numbered; those who truly know me know this to be true. Two hundred members were present last night and many of them were retirees. We can’t accomplish what we need with 10% participation and I understand that not everyone can be there all the time but hearing “I can’t go; I have a life outside of work” is the most discouraging answer one can give. Right now we don’t look good, we are not strong and we need to change that. As always, I remain available to talk about any issues. I hope to see you at our local convention on 09/21. Please mark your calendars and make the time to attend.


Thank you,



April 2013

Hello everyone:

Where to begin!? CenturyLink’s senior leadership continues to work against us as it hides behind the faces of local managers and the relationships that we have with them. Those above the ones we work with insist on disregarding our interests, our history and our future; even to the point of blatantly violating our contract. If you were hired within the last 5 years, chances are you recall your Union orientation and when I said to you, for the first time, that no matter how friendly your supervisors and managers are they are not your friends. I am simply stating facts, facts that are more visible with some than others but at some point will apply to all. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are bad people; sometimes it just means that they have roles that dictate some of their actions. Nevertheless, most people will not stick up for you against the current leadership so please exercise caution when speaking, sharing or doing anything in the presence of any member of management.

Contract negotiations resumed April 3rd and it is not surprising that Mr. Post put out another email full of fear tactics and half-truths. Reports from our elected bargaining committee are available on our website as usual and I posted the one from April 4th on our boards; so feel free to take a peek at them, you might be surprised (or perhaps not) of how much control the company wants to take over our personal lives in the name of their Unifying Principles and Core Values.

This week all of our managers are taking part of a labor forum that will go into detail about our contract; how to prepare paperwork, how to conduct meetings and how to cover their tracks. Please watch for changes in approach, mood, relationships and tone and report any concerns to a steward or myself.

UNIT 4 MEETING! April 18th, 4:30PM-7:30PM, Hilton Hotel

Now, for the latest on each department:


We continue to work with local management on departmental efficiencies and better business practices. These ideas are shared with senior management and it is our hope that some of them will be implemented. Every team is getting better and it is everyone’s hope to continue to grow the center as more employees are hired in the Sales department.

El Centro:

We continue to see the effects of talks and relationships with local leaders and discipline for metrics continues to be low. Please be sure to call for a steward even if you don’t believe that you have a case. One thing that is being enforced on the floor is the policy on electronic devices so please do not get caught with your cell phones on while on the clock; if I can see you (and I do) management can see you too.


Talks around the lack of coaching and development, the violations of both our contract and our trust and the discipline administered these past few months, continues. I understand how frustrating it is to have to wait for responses but every point that can help these cases is being made and, even when the discipline has not been removed, we have been able to work agreements with local management to allow more time for everyone to transition into this new role. I will keep you updated as information becomes available. If there is something I may ask of you is to please offer on every call and don’t spend too much time on the customer service portion of the job when it is not going to lead you to a sell.

UNIT 4 MEETING! April 18th, 4:30PM-7:30PM, Hilton Hotel.

In Unity,
Mariano Godoy
Area Vice President


FEBRUARY 15, 2013


Welcome to the first report of 2013. What a year it’s been so far! We have been busy with discipline issues, contract negotiations and an uncooperative employer, etc. Let me elaborate…


Inbound Sales

Your team has been challenged with several changes these last few months, from queues and call routing being modified, to having to adjust to performance management and the process and timeframes of filing and following up on grievances. I want to thank you for your patience as I know that performance management is, for most of you, unfamiliar territory and unfortunately will become much more common in your new role. I’ve always said that I will be frank and as direct as I can with my answers and my messages and I’ve been keeping you updated with the decisions that managements has made as quickly as I can disclose them.  Unfortunately, even when local management agrees with us and tries to make a decision based on factors and evidence presented during the grievance process, we continue to see the disregard that senior leadership has for us as employees and we will continue to represent you against unfair practices. I understand how frustrating it is to have to wait for steps to be followed when things don’t go as we want them and I wish they could be expedited. I also know how hard it is to put things aside and continue to do your job to the best of your abilities but I really need you to trust me and our stewards to do our part so that you can concentrate on your day-to-day obligations. We will continue to update you as things develop.


El Centro

Your department is expanding. New classes are about to graduate and join you on the floor! This is a good thing for our centers in Phoenix and we want to continue growing. More jobs = job security for all. Discipline is at its usual rate and we continue to work on it as we’ve always done but I wanted to remind all of you to please call us into your meetings so that we can get information from you from the beginning, we need to hear your side even if you don’t think you have a case. Please join us in our unit meetings and share your concerns when they first arise so that we can decide how we can address them, together. Remember… WE, all of us, are the union. We represent you during meetings but we can’t do it all. As I shared in the last couple of reports, it is time to get some stewards in your department and next week I’ll be asking some of you to join us in representing yourselves and your peers. As I mentioned, your department is growing and we need a bigger army to make sure we can keep up with the issues. Simply put, we either step up or get stepped on.  If you skipped over the message to the Inbound Sales group, please take a look at it. The company made a decision to deliver Documented Discussions for performance based on many considered factors to a week later reversing that decision and placing them on a Restated Written Warning. As some of you know, this constitutes double jeopardy and can’t stand, however those above your local management don’t seem to care and continue to display their true colors when it comes to showing their commitment to us as employees. We all must do our part and voicing our disappointment is no longer enough. We must all work together as a union and get involved if we want to succeed. It is now or never.



Things have been picking up in our department as well, with busier conditions than we’ve seen in a long time, triggering MOT and even allowing for VOT to be offered. We haven’t had any major issues (discipline related) in the department as we continue to adjust to changes, sometimes daily.



The targeted improvements have been reached in most areas which is making things operate fairly smoothly.



On the “ENSEMBLE” side we continue to roll with the punches the best we can as we discover new things in almost every call. As you know, our unit continues to work with our local management to acquire information, training and tools more quickly to improve our skills, although not always achieving the desired results. Patience continues to be tested in all of us in the center but so far we have been successful on extending learning curves as we hone the skills needed to perform our new job.


CMC and Cobros

Discipline has been lately administered without the company taking accountability for their actions, without considering the lack of development provided and even without grounds. Maintain and sustain clauses have been added to the discipline documents and accountability has been focused in some cases, exclusively on you. We have filed some grievances and have been successful in some while others are being sent to second step. I hear about the harassment about the so called "lost time" and this is also being addressed. We continue working on issues and meeting with management weekly and will keep you informed as results develop.



Now, a little news on our contract

It’s been 4 months since the expiration of our contract (6 months since negotiations began) and little progress has been made at the table, leaving our bargaining committee with little to say during our weekly calls.  This week a press release revealed that the Executive Committee authorized President Larry Cohen to call a strike if conditions and practices don’t improve. This is not to say that we will go out on strike in a week or even a month but it is, and always has been a possibility. Negotiations will continue as long as progress and talks show improvement as we reserve a work stoppage as a last option. We will be updating picket duty books and we need to make sure we have all of our members contact information and addresses up to date so stay informed and read the emails sent to all members in our unit and keep up with the information on the bulletin boards.  You can also go to www.cwa7019.org and click on the “Member Contact Update” link on the left to enter the information yourselves.


In Unity,

Mariano Godoy


December, 2012

This is going to be the last report of 2012 and I wanted to do a recap of some of the most important moments this year and offer some updates.

In March I talked about the challenges we would likely face as a result of business restructuring as well as during contract negotiations. The company proved to be even worse than imagined and the micromanagement extends beyond our centers and it’s even being felt by local leadership. We know of some concerning aspirations and the disregard that Centurylink has for our jobs and is shows in their regressive proposals and their push for two-tier titles in every department, which would lead to lower wages even for existing employees looking to advance within the company. Irene returned from Denver earlier this month and shared detains in her report, please take some time to read it.

This was a busy and difficult year. In March I was summoned to take part in a Grand Jury that lasted until the middle of June, in May I was excused for two weeks as I was fortunate enough to take part in the MLI (Minority Leadership Institute) in Maryland and as soon as I got back I was put in training for the NOHD. Now I am in the last week of training for the Ensemble piece of NOHD training. In July officers and stewards participated in the Political Conference held on a Saturday  at the IBEW hall where we discussed some of the most current union busting bills and anti-union legislation (I covered this in June’s report). Even though these responsibilities kept me at times away from the center, we managed to take care of local business. Through all the obstacles I many times thanked the stewards in the unit but I don’t believe I ever talked about the help I received from our president, Irene Robles. She has been a tremendous help and support in my role this year. Irene, thank you!

In August we began mobilization efforts and our t-shirts were distributed. Thank you for wearing them on Wednesdays and for wearing red on Thursdays as well. This simple task has a big impact at the negotiations table and if management doesn’t see us all wearing red it takes that as a sign of us being divided. We need to stand together! I am calling on all of you to please continue or start participating.

September and October were months in which mobilization was pretty frequent and although we got shut down in some of our efforts, the desired reaction was achieved. Great job to all mobilizers and thank you all for participating! (The clickers and the WTF pins were my favorite).

The fourth quarter in general presented some of us with additional changes to our responsibilities due to changes in our departments, QA calibrations, etc… Through talks with local leadership we were able to reverse some of them.

We were able to work with Sabrina Gentry and change some of the QA requirements such as asking representatives to check with their customer after being on the line with us for 5 minutes and getting evaluated for dead air when talking to a technician. We are challenged with new systems and scenarios that were not necessarily covered during training and this is something that will be brought up as we discuss learning curves. We will need to exercise patience as we all adjust, as a department, to our new role.

Some of you were affected by recent changes that moved you from the bilingual queue to the CMC queue. After working on this matter and meeting with the company I was provided with reasons related to call volumes. While the CMC queue is constantly busy and producing low service levels, the volume continues to decrease in the bilingual queue, with numbers dropping as low as 3% of total calls routed to the center. The situation was placing the center under the spot light and calling attention to an overstaffing problem as local management had to call daily to request for overflow to be routed to the Cobros line. Moving a few of you to the CMC queue helped decrease the higher-than-targeted service levels in Cobros while aiding your peers with the CMC calls.  We’ll still do some additional research on this but some of you voiced your concern to me earlier and I wanted to provide you with what I could for now. If you have additional questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask.

I had the opportunity to meet with some of you on Friday and discuss the changes and challenges that the team is facing. Rest assured that we will work just as intensively as we have in El Centro to minimize or avoid discipline. Metrics are discussed but they are decided and set by persons that are not local and with whom, although we talk, often cannot reach an agreement. Discipline can be decided locally and it is something that we will always address. I would ask you to also notify your coach that you want to be represented by a steward if a discipline or fact-finding meeting is held regardless of what the circumstances or trigger for said discipline is. They will notify the RAS and a steward will be assigned. This gives us an opportunity to talk about anything that you might have concerns with and we need to take advantage of this time since it’s hard to get one-on-one time otherwise. We also talked about starting a steward structure within your team, which hopefully be put in place shortly.

El Centro:
Through extensive representation and work with local management on both the CRIS (QWEST) and the ENSEMBLE (CTL) sides we’ve been able to greatly reduce the amount of discipline in the last few months. You’ve probably seen a few new faces on your floor as Melissa Gonzalez, Irene Robles and Chris Mendez continue to support the department while we work on getting a structure set up with some of your own peers as stewards in El Centro as well. We have been successful at improving relationships at a local level which has allowed us to work on things such as “looking at the large picture” and considering all the possibilities and variables before the implementation of discipline, decreasing it from figures between 25% and 40% on average to around 5% monthly write ups. I wanted to touch on this subject and make clear that this is a result of extensive representation; talks, negotiations and relationships between the steward structure and local management and not due to an understanding upper-management team.  Without our involvement this would have never been achieved. I can’t stress this enough, if you are called into a meeting PLESE REQUEST A STEWARD. It is in your best interest to do so no matter what the discipline is for and whether we end up filing a grievance or not. Management has a process that will be followed if you request representation and a steward will be assigned to you. El Centro continues to grow with two classes currently in training and two additional ones starting in Feb, 2013.

2012 has been a difficult but productive year where although not everything that we wanted was achieved many important tasks were completed. I look forward to 2013. Please continue to reach out to me with any concerns. I am always available whether in person, via text or email.

Happy New Year,



November 15, 2012

I want to begin this report by addressing the number one question in everyone’s minds, “Do we have any news from the bargaining committee, yet?”  The reality is although talks continue; our issues have not been cleared and in many cases not even addressed yet.  A mediator was brought in to try to expedite the process but since the company has not put out all of their proposals, he could not intervene at this time.  I understand that, especially with the Holidays around the corner, stress builds up in the presence of uncertainty and I wanted to remind us all of a few of points in hopes to alleviate some of it:

1.    The original expiration date of the contract was October 6, a little over a month ago. Stay positive, these things take time (look at AT&T and Verizon, for

2.    Although topics such as wages and titles have not been fully addressed, most proposals put forth by the company around these issues have been regressive.
       Rushing to an agreement would mean giving up and we can’t afford that.  These negotiations could prove the most important step towards setting the tone for
       our future.

3.    While negotiations go on, we keep working under the current conditions, earning a paycheck and having our health and the health of our families protected under
       the current programs.  I would suggest going to the doctor, the dentist and any other specialist you may have been waiting to see, now, as what we will have
       after the new contract is ratified remains to be seen.

4.    In some cases, contractors are growing tired of waiting for a strike and are terminating contracts with the company.

Again, please don’t take this as an attempt to disregard concerns and instead view it as a way to concentrate on the positive points of our current situation.  Generations before us worked hard to get us to where we owe it to them and those to come,  to remain UNITED and FIGHT. Wear your shirts, mobilize, and stay informed and engaged.

I want to talk about the center a little as well.

El Centro:
The last few months we’ve worked hard to minimize discipline and correct certain behaviors on the side of the company and I believe we have made good progress. On both the legacy QWEST and Centurylink sides the discipline has diminished greatly, bringing the percentage of members on discipline to below 10%.  We continue working and improving operations but please make sure you keep me informed of issues.  Some of you have seen our new Stewards:  Irene Salazar, Chris Mendez and Melissa Gonzales in your center the last couple of months and they have been a great help and contributors to our success. Please don’t hesitate to contact them if you need anything (also, please remember not to use company email or equipment to contact them), their information can be found on the bulletin boards.  A new class started today and two more are scheduled within the next month and for some of you this could mean a “bump” on your schedules and will give you a chance to possibly bid for better time off as you gain seniority.

No major changes in operations and discipline remains minimal. Daniel and I continue to work with local management to address issues as they come up.

Once again, things are changing for some of us as we started the Ensemble training this week.  Pulling us all from the floor at the same time will have an effect in the call handling, which will remain higher than it’s been even after the training is done as new work for the bilingual group will begin. I said last month, and still do, that I believe the NOHD to be the future of our Phoenix center.  I truly see it, in time, growing in size and providing opportunities for others.  Some of you brought forth an issue with QA and I wanted to let you know that I sent an email to a calibrator this week over some of the comments used on the forms and the way the calls have been scored. I will continue to address some of the problems so please save your forms and let me know of any note you may deem inappropriate.

DS Team:
As you know a few changes took place recently but you are a great group that’s always worked together and I am confident that this time will be no different. If anything should arise, you have now one of your own in our steward body (Chris Mendez) to help and of course I am always available as well.  You know how to reach me!

Please remember that canvasing for the 2013 calendar has started and now is the best time to schedule your time off, as we have an extra 20% of time added to the calendar until we are    done with days at a time. After that is done, the 20% will be removed.

In trying times I leave you with these words from Mahatma Gandhi:  Unity, to be real, must stand the severest strain without breaking”

In Unity,
Mariano Godoy


 OCTOBER 15,  2012

 Brothers and Sisters,

 I want to begin this month’s report by thanking you for your engagement, your spirit and your solidarity in these difficult and stressful times.  We are fighting a monster-size corporation with monster-size greed and it is important that we remain united and fight for our rights as workers and as union members.  I understand and at times share the anxiety you feel due to the lack of movement at the negotiations table but we must remain calm, trust our bargaining committee and use this time wisely to get ready for every possible outcome.  It is crucial to negotiations that we do so and that we have faith in those who were elected to represent us to strategize our best course of action.  Together we will get through this!

Check out this link at the bottom of the page after you’re done, the information in this article might give you some talking points to share with your coach next time you have a DEVO session.

NOHD: I really don’t have a lot to share but what I have it’s positive.  The center has been in place and functioning for a month and efficiencies are being improved daily.  I believe in the future of this center of which I am a part and I am happy to report that I met with management today and was told that they are pleased with how the department is evolving.  The remaining employees hired to take part of this team are currently in training and will be joining us on the floor in approximately 3 weeks.


El Centro: Call volumes have not dropped by much but for what I understand the type of calls routed to the center do not present enough opportunities for ordering products.  Some of you joined me over a week ago for a meeting and we discussed the strategy of writing down the nature of every call received before your first break, between then and lunch; between lunch and 2nd break and between then and your EOT.  I will be talking to some of you and gathering that information so that I can present a case to Mark and Nelson.  The challenge that I was presented with (and the reason why we are writing down the types of calls) is that the company’s reporting shows a total of loyalty calls of fewer than 15%.  I understand that the reality is different since the calls that are routed as HSI disconnect are not being factored in with the Loyalty percentage.  We will continue to work on this subject and metrics attainment will be argued by using, among other things, the records provided by you.  I am constantly working to address issues to minimize discipline in both CRIS and Ensemble sides as well.


Cobros and CMC: For the most part your center stays below the radar, sort of speak.  There is usually some discipline but it is normally under 10% of the workforce, maybe even less than 5%.  Daniel and I continue to meet with your management team monthly and issues will continue to be addressed as they surface.

Departmental  reports are short this month since, as a result of company strategies to handle calls in the event of a strike, we have been successful on negotiating with local management to hold back on most of the discipline for a few months now.

Mobilization has been greatly successful so far and I have no doubt we will continue to inflict the desired effect on the company as we continue our efforts.  We had the clickers in the building today and Tracy Johnson (AVP for Unit 3) and I got kicked out of the Alcove this morning while passing them out as a result of four calls made by management complaining about us having a rally.  A couple of Team Leads came out running out of their offices to advise employees that the clickers could not be used in the production floor.  GREAT JOB! J.   Activities will continue, so stay active!   I am proud of this unit and I believe we can make a difference by continuing to show unity.

Lastly, I understand we all have “reliable sources” but please pay no attention to your managers when they give you “inside information” as they get little information about the talks at the table.  Because of personal relationships with subordinates, at times they are fed wrong information purposely in hopes that they will share this “truth” with some of you.

Please check with me or a steward if you hear anything and before you share it with any of your peers to avoid unfunded panic.

Thank you all again,

In solidarity,



     Here’s the link.





WOW!  Has it been a month already?  So much has happened and so much is still to come!  Let me address a few points:

1.    The YouCan to NOHD transition was completed recently.  Most of the SSC’s who worked in the YouCan department are now representatives of the National Order help Desk (NOHD) while others decided to move into the new English Sales group.  Interviews were conducted by the company and additional employees were selected through the post and bid process to join the force.  We have encountered, and are addressing, challenges such as the introduction of NOHD representative as a manager of the business to customers.  I understand the frustration that these types of issues produce and I wanted to let you know that we are already working on it.  Without going into too much detail here, everyone effected by the change is aware of the letter of agreement signed in April of this year and the description of the work that would be assigned and the change around the contractually previously agreed upon RD pay.  Keep in mind that a new contract is being negotiated and this could change that letter of agreement as well, I am not saying that it will but I am saying that it could  Discussion around the original communications of duties and responsibilities against what we have experienced the actual  call mix to be are also being prepared.  I will set up a meeting for this group within the next 2 weeks.  I hope to see you all there so that we can talk and I can hear the concerns that need either clarification or research.


2.    El Centro and Ensemble groups have been (for the most part) relaxed on discipline administration for the past three months.  While management will lead you to believe that they are working with you and that they understand the challenges and difficulties of today’s economy and learning curves surrounding the addition of new systems, please understand that this wouldn’t have been done without the endless talks between your stewards and management.  We pushed for this to happen and are constantly working proactively to help with anything we see could become an issue.  Thanks to all of you who keep me informed of changes and provide me information.


3.    Cobros remains mostly unchanged and we continue to deal with problems as they arise.  Daniel Rivera and I have monthly leadership meetings with RAS and Operations managers to address any issues brought forth by the membership.


4.    T-shirts were distributed a couple of weeks ago and “Are you kidding me?” pins were passed around this week.  If any of you do not have a shirt or a pin, please see me or a steward to get yours.  Our bargaining committee has asked for all of us to wear the “It takes all of us” shirt on Wednesdays and RED on Thursdays.  Please support each other by doing this.


5.    Our current contract expires October 6 and the company is getting ready for any foreseeable outcome.  Management has been instructed to collect our badges the weekend before the expiration of the contract and to have us signed in daily when we report to work.  Strategies are being developed to deal with this change and will be communicated through your stewards shortly.  Keep calm and remain united and stay informed by reading the bargaining reports and talking to me or one of your stewards whenever you hear something new.  Rumors such as the NOHD being a group of managers hired by the company to prepare for a strike (OBVIOUSLY FALSE) have been started.  These tactics are designed to pin us against each other in times when we need to work together so please, again, verify anything you hear with me or a steward.


6.    Lastly, I wanted to talk about what we’ve accomplished as a unit in less than a year.  At the time I assumed the role of AVP over Unit 4, attendance to membership meetings was normally 0-2 people.  Today we hold departmental meetings with 10-15 members who participate pretty consistently.   We are still not where we need to be but we have made an incredible improvement and for this I thank all of you.  We grew our Steward group and enjoy the company and help of Irene Salazar (NOHD); Chris Mendez DS); Melissa Gonzales (NOHD) and Sylvie Carrasco (NOHD).  I know that my methods have been misunderstood and/or criticized at times but everything I have done was done in the best interest of the membership.  As you already know, not everything goes the way we’d like all the time but I will always be frank, even if the answer to the question is not a pleasant one.  It was with the help of everyone in the steward group that through the implementation of these changes we have made improvements to relationships with the company and increased membership in some departments. When I ran for this position last year, I said that I would change some things and ask for the involvement of the membership and encourage stewardship within each department.  We have grown in both those areas and accomplished some major tasks, and we will continue to work towards a stronger Union.  I encourage all of you to take part in the process whether it’d be as a Steward, a Mobilizer, a member of a committee or anything else.  Please talk to me if you are interested.

Thank You,
Mariano Godoy


July 2012

“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect UNION… “

Sound familiar? Here’s the whole thing…

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Not a more perfect party, group, country, or nation… they said UNION. They said UNION because they knew what that word meant. They understood its values and the responsibilities that needed to be shared by everyone to forge a future for everyone. They said UNION because it was going to take effort and sacrifice on everyone’s part to build a great country. They said UNION because people wanted to work together towards common goals. They wanted a just system and the prosperity of their families and neighbors. They said UNION because they hoped for a society that advanced and progressed as one, a society that allowed people to venture out and to grow as one. Do we still want the same things? I believe we do. 

 So why is it that some people will portrait the word “UNION” as a synonym of greed and violence? Walter Reuther said in 1945 “Labor is not fighting for a larger piece of the pie, labor is fighting for a larger pie”. Some politicians and monster-sized corporations want to brainwash people into believing that the UNION way is the wrong way.

 I am here to tell you that UNION is a word that is just as great today and it holds the same values today as it did when our founding fathers used it. It’s founded (among other things) on solidarity; justice; equality and opportunity, and if these politicians, corporate lobbyists and CEO’s think is wrong, then I guess it is time to get rid of the Constitution and start over.

Brothers and Sisters, Unions are and have been for quite some time, under attack. Our future rests on all of our shoulders. We must think big, bigger than our contract. What is happening today is a direct result of years of corporate greed and unfair legislation. We must reflect on the reasons why companies have become so powerful and think of how to get that power back. We have the obligation to look at the issues affecting us and our families and support those who are going to protect us against the oppression of the mighty “deep pocket”. We have to regain control over what  is rightfully ours and fight for the things that we have worked so hard to earn for so many generations. Our children depend on us and the future of this great Nation depends on us.

Vote for justice for all; for a protected working class, for the opportunity to succeed and for a rewarding future.

Thank you
Mariano Godoy




July, 2012


Great news!
Well, no, not really.  In fact I don’t know which bad news to give you, first. 

As you know, our contract is about to expire in October and negotiations are set to begin mid-August. Our expectations are that the company will come at us with everything they have. The expectations are that will come after wages, health benefits, pension, and everything else that we as a Union have been able to accomplish through bargaining over the past 70+ years. We have copies of language taken from actual and recent contracts negotiated by Centurylink that includes among other things language such as “the company reserves the right at their sole discretion to change the language around our Pensions, 401k’s and healthcare premiums”.

Are you scared yet? Well, you should be. We all should be.

This past Saturday, along with other stewards and officers of our local I took part of a political conference held at the IBEW hall in Phoenix, a big thank you to our brothers and sisters for once again allowing us to use their facility. I was asked to introduced myself and say how excited to be there I was so I said “My name is Mariano Godoy, Local 7019, Phoenix and I am excited to learn and get out”. That is exactly what I am doing today, I am getting out and sharing the message and trying once again to stimulate more of you to get involved.

We studied and discussed some of the bills that have been introduced this year like SB1484 (Paycheck deduction of union dues); SB1485/1486/1487 (Public employees prohibitions, compensation and union dues collections); HB2571 (would have taken away public sector employee termination protection by allowing employers to fire employees for any reason… superseding contracts). Some of these bills were, as you see,  an attack on public employees and their unions and were an attempt to dismantle those unions and create a stepping stone to us in the private sector.

This legislation is threatening the American way of life. It is undermining you, me, our children and everyone who has to work a 9-5 job (or more) to be able to provide our families. This legislation is an attempt by big corporations to gain even more control over our economy and the wealth of our country. Yes, I said “our economy”, mine and yours, because we live in a country with two economic systems “ours and theirs”. Our economy is based on 10% of the money that moves around in this country and we are reminded every day that it is because 90% of the total population of the United States enjoys 10% of the wealth, that companies don’t have the money to create more jobs and why they deserve more tax cuts. We keep hearing that we should pay more in health insurance costs and “take one for the team” and make less money (look at the Verizon contract, for example)so that someone else can also get a job… SERIOUSLY? And they say this with a straight face and twist the facts so much that they make it sound so convincing that some people believe it. As if the remaining 90% of the money is not enough for them to live off of. The wealthiest 10,000 people in the country pay an average of 17% in all inclusive taxes (Medicare, income, Social Security) and enjoy an average annual income of $236 million dollars.

Brothers and sisters, 90% of this country is fighting to keep the 10% that we have worked so hard to earn. We have gone from being called the land of opportunity to being the “land of opportunism”, where employers and politicians look at us as a dollar sign. I am not opposed to the rich but I am opposed to everyone else not having enough while the wealthy get wealthier at our expense and at the expense of outsourcing our jobs.

 Please go to http://www.commoncause.org/site/pp.asp?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=8078765 and look at the list of companies that support ALEC (SPOILER ALERT: It includes CENTURYLINK!!!!), the organization responsible for most of the attacks on workers, and do your best to not contribute to their profits. Shop at places like CVS instead of Walgreens; UPS instead of FedEx, etc…

Next time you have a DEVO session with your supervisor and he/she asks you if you have any questions about anything, ask them “Do you know why Century Link contributes to ALEC, an entity that threatens our jobs?” I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t even know what ALEC is, but ask (go to www.alecexposed.com to read more about it). Show them that we are getting educated about their tactics and the politics of the so called “game”. Let’s show them that we can and will stand together, that we are one and that we are strong.

Please attend the bargaining meeting this Thursday, July 19th at 7PM. This report is just the tip of the iceberg and we have a lot more information to share.  If this report scared you, you should come to hear what else we’ll have to fight against and if it didn’t I guarantee that we will find something that will.



In unity,
Mariano Godoy


JUNE, 2012

As I enjoy my long-overdue flight back home, let me begin by sharing with you my experience at the National Labor College, these past two weeks.  I had the privilege of taking part of the MLI (Minority Leadership  Institute) in Silver Springs, MD, where I studied the Labor movement; the effects of minorities (migration and immigration) in the history of not only Unions but in our country and the world as a whole, and dove into more detail on the threats that we as a working class are facing today.  It was an experience that I will never forget.  I met a group of 10 people from across the nation with different ethnic and industrial backgrounds, with whom I found common ground in our struggles and in a few days formed a bond.  I am proud and honored to call them my friends.

I had the opportunity to meet CWA’s national leadership and hear about their experiences and challenges throughout their lives and careers.  I learned from them about our fight as a Union and gained an even better perspective of where we are today as a movement, how we got here and where we are headed.  I must say, things don’t look good.  As you may already know, we are under the constant attack by big companies and the legislators they control.  We are fighting against deep-pocketed lobbyists like the Koch brothers and giant entities such as Alec.

I am going to ask you to put aside party affiliation and think of the topics that are most important to you and your family and make a “top 5” list.


The majority of the country is mainly concerned with three issues: jobs; economy and health care. Did you find any similarities? Then, please, we all need your help.  We are in an election year and those who want to destroy the working class are trying to distract us from the things that truly matter by bringing up topics that spark controversy and pin us against each other.  Have you ever stopped to wonder “If they are so concerned about immigrants because “they are taking American jobs”, why are they trying to pass legislation to outsource our work?”  Please, think as a worker regardless of political affiliation and most importantly, vote.  I could go on about voter-suppression campaigns and how they are trying to control the elections but that would take too long.  Perhaps we could talk about it in the next membership meeting.

I shared this thought with the MLI class a couple of days ago “Some people think that those who don’t get involved, those who don’t stand up and fight an unjust system, cannot affect the events of tomorrow.  I am here to tell you: That is not true.  Those who don’t get involved can’t change or fix such broken system but are contributors to its continuation and its aftermath.”

I leave you with this: “What are you willing to do to protect worker’s rights and living conditions?  What are you willing to do for you and your family, for their future and for the future of this country?”

Thank you,

Mariano Godoy


April 2012

It seems that our President Irene Robles, beat me to the punch on some of the updates so if you haven’t yet, please read her report.

In a “more -unit-based” news:   El Centro started a new training class with plans of increasing the headcount.  New leadership is being put in place and will be settled by mid-June.  This is not to say that the CenturyLink culture is not being enforced now so please make sure you understand your rights and that you enforce them. If you are called into a meeting with a manager, please ask for a steward. Have someone present with you early in the process, in the first meeting.   As stewards we can many times address issues and correct them but we have to catch them early because we have legal and contractual terms that we have to adhere. The reality is that, as a company,  CenturyLink  is not required to ask you if you want a steward so, again, ask for one.  Especially if you are in El Centro, you have already started experiencing the changes in process when it comes to discipline. The company is acting by the book, and doing as little as possible to provide the employees with the opportunities and rights that they are entitled to.

YouCan, every movement made by new leadership in every department so far points to the growth of our Phoenix Center.  I believe that our jobs are secure based on efficiency reports and our ranking against all other Centers.

Cobros and DS’s: Your groups are pretty uneventful, more of the same and no change in the horizon.

I… we… need some of you to help us with mobilization efforts,  ideally I would like to have 3-4 people per floor in these positions.  As you know, I am usually walking the floors and visiting members in break rooms every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday so please get a hold of me if you are interested.  My contact information is on this website and on all of the boards as well. Negotiations are near and we need to get ready.

One last thing… A few months ago I asked for your support and I made a promise that I would work with you to make this a better workplace.  It is because of it that I am now asking for your involvement and participation. Our future depends on it. Please make plans to attend the annual convention.  It will be held on Saturday, August 18th and many interesting speakers will be there, including agents from the bargaining committee. I will post the information on the board soon.


Thank you again,
Mariano Godoy
Area Vice President, Area 4


March 2012

Where did the last six months go? First, I wanted to thank you all for your support during the last election, I am honored to represent Unit 4. One of the goals that I mentioned in my campaign flyer was that I wanted to grow the unit so that each department was represented by their peers. I am happy to welcome Melissa Gonzales (You Can); Chris Mendez (You Can); Irene Salazar (You Can); and Silvia Carrasco (El Centro) as new stewards. I would also like to congratulate Daniel Rivera as the new Area Rep for Cobros and thank Rosemary Aguayo for her help in that role in previous years and for her ongoing support of the membership as an active steward. John Seeley and Eddie Hiralez have taken positions in the RSC, making them stewards of unit 3 under the direction of Tracey Johnson. A big “THANK YOU” to both of them as well. For a list of all stewards names and contact information please visit our union board on your floor.

Rumors of upcoming changes and possible topics of discussion during the upcoming contract negotiations have begun to develop. Due to this, I wanted to take a moment to give you some facts based on early examination of the company’s current restructuring and past strategies:

1. Negotiations are not set to start until August of 2012, please fill out a “YES I’LL BE THERE” card. (see me or a steward to get one) These cards tell the company that our bargaining committee is at the table representing all of us. Low number of cards = NO BARGAINING POWER.

2. Bargaining agents have been nominated and as soon as the names of those selected are available I will post them on all of our union boards.

3. Century Link is a company that is not used to a union environment which could make negotiations challenging.

4. Your involvement and participation is crucial to our success and future, even more so than in past years, so please see me or a steward to find out how to get involved.

5. Financial preparation and planning during the upcoming months will be essential for all of us.

6. Unit meetings will be held every 6-7 weeks to update the membership. Please make sure you are taking the time to attend.

CenturyLink has been financially successful but here are some things to take in consideration when evaluating them as a company:

1. Traditionally, the company did business in rural areas where competition was minute or non-existent. This has changed since the acquisition of QWEST. We all need to come together to make a difference.

2. Contracts between CenturyLink and previous acquisitions were bargained for very small (and therefore less powerful) groups of employees. We all need to come together to make a difference.

3. Their interest is the “bottom line”. Much like giants such as WALMART, a workforce is nothing other than a necessary business expense. The worker, however, is expendable and replaceable. We all need to come together to make a difference.

4. As a result of such small bargained-for groups, their experience of conducting business in a union environment is somewhat distorted. We all need to come together to make a difference.

5. This year they will take on a union that represents more employees than all of the previous unions with which they did business, combined. We all need to come together to make a difference.

As you know, our CEO and top executives may run the company but “THEY DON’T MAKE THE COMPANY RUN!!!” Let’s remind them of this fact.

Stand together and stay tuned.
In unity,
Mariano Godoy
AVP, Unit 4
Local 7019





January 17, 2012


Unit Meeting and Area Rep Nomination/Elections Information Below



Area Vice President Mariano Godoy


Where:         Hilton Hotel – 20 E Thomas

When:          February 8th

                    7:00pm – 7:30pm


I will be at the Hilton at 4:00pm for those of you who get off early and would like to stop by.


Please make the time in your busy schedules to support your Union and learn what’s happening around you in your workplace.




Area Vice President Mariano Godoy


A Unit 4 meeting will be held to nominate and elect Area Reps for Area’s 1, 2, & 3.


Nominations will be taken from the floor, or in written form, at the Unit meeting. All written nominations (the nomination and/or the second to the nomination) must be on file with the Secretary-Treasurer’s office. The nominee must be present to accept the nomination, or have a signed letter on file with the Secretary-Treasurer stating they will accept the nomination. All letters must be sent by certified mail to CWA Local 7019 C/O Secretary Treasurer, 1615 N 36th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008 and must be received by 4:00 pm on February 7, 2012.


DATE:                     February 8, 2012

TIME:                     7:30 pm – 8:00 pm

LOCATION:             Hilton Hotel - 20 E Thomas


Nominations will be from 7:30pm – 7:45pm

  If necessary, voting will be from 7:45pm – 8:00pm

Any questions with regards to Nomination/Elections, check the Bulletion Board on your floor.