February 2, 2015
John Seeley
There will be a Unit
3 meeting held
If for some reason you are unable to attend the meeting for nominations and
elections you should have two letters on file with the Secretary/Treasurer of
Local 7019. One letter from a member in your area to nominate you as a candidate
with a second signature from another member in the area as the second to the
nomination. The second letter
should come from you the candidate accepting the nomination.
The meeting will be
Wednesday February 11, 2015
will be from 6:00pm – 7:00pm
April 9, 2014
Brothers and Sisters
We have seen quite a few changes since the last report.
We have seen a lot of growth both in our unit and other units. We have also seen
our repair center close and so this growth is at best bittersweet. We have a lot
of new members and have been very successful signing up new hires. We also have
seen that there has been a lot of misinformation and the training experience has
been uneven at best for our new classes. We have had VSPP offers in the SSS
offline support center and the Tempe data center. We also have seen a lot of
hiring for English CMC, Offline support SSC groups and at AT&T retail.
Offline support – our biggest challenge is the equal and
fair implementation of the Ensemble Winback work. When we received this work
from the Centurylink unit, we were behind thousands of orders and as a result we
have seen 8 hours forced overtime each week, and it has definitely taken a toll
in its workgroup. The good news is that we have caught up, and are keeping even
with the work, the problems remain are still bad or nonexistent process, and the
work is not being fairly distributed throughout the workgroup. We have had many
discussions with the company and as a result they have 5 additional reps in
training, and are starting to rotate the inbound and offline work more fairly.
We will continue to monitor this and make sure that there is parity in the
distribution of the work assignments. Also this week the Overtime was dropped
from 8 hours to 6 hours so we are seeing progress there.
In offline support it has been busy but fairly quiet.
The company has been not been disciplining for performance, but has been
watching the use of electronic devices, especially tablets and smartphones.
Please be careful, the managers are watching (at least those that actually
watch). There also has been some coach movement with a few teams swapping
places. We will see more movement as we are going to have every seat filled on
14 and 15
CMC units (Cobros, English,
Escalation, and Small Business) - We have had a lot of growth in the CMC units
and a lot of changes for some groups. The company decided that the Escalation
team should be on their own vacation calendar. This decision was made by the
company and without agreement from the union. There are some positives and
negatives in having a workgroup separated as far as vacation goes but we feel
that down the road it weakens the unit overall and always want our groups as
large as possible not only to protect against a surplus but to make sure we can
maximize vacation options.
We have seen a small amount of bilingual
Ensemble work come into the escalation group, and originally were going to have
Saturday hours. Saturdays have been put on hold indefinitely. Cobros has been
very stable, we did have some volunteers leave cobras to join the English team,
and we were able to accomplish this without anyone being forced. At this time
there are no plans to work Saturdays in the Cobros unit. Where we have seen our
greatest growth is in the English CMC. We are saddened that some of this growth
was the result of small CMC centers being closed, however we are always willing
and able to take on additional work here in Phoenix. Our CMC English group has
blossomed from 6 employees to over 110 with more still coming in through follow
your work options and street hiring. Included in that total are 26 repair
employees who were able to stay on payroll after their center was closed. We are
delighted to welcome our new members, and returning members to the unit. Our
biggest issues in the English CMC are ones that are normal when there are
massive new hire classes - Attendance and Tardy infractions. I want to be very
honest here a 15 minute break is 15 minutes and as most of us know the company
has very little mercy or compassion
if you violate the rules. They also don’t care
why you are absent, but they strictly adhere to the absence policy. This is
non-negotiable and the company makes their decisions without regards to
performance achievement. It is very important that if called to a disciplinary
meeting that you take a steward with you, as we have found issues that we can
correct, but if we are not aware of the issues we cannot assist you.
AT&T Wireless Retail There has been some serious issues
that we as a union have discovered and put an end to regarding racial
intolerance and sexual harassment. We have also been working to build
relationships with store managers, but as is usual for retail stores managers
seem to come and go on a regular basis. We have not seen discipline since August
for RSSM, and most of the discipline focuses on the 5 key behaviors and COBC. We
have seen rollouts of 2 different comp plans and see that AT&T is pushing
digital life and the managers continue to roll camera film with an emphasis from
walking away from your store tablets and inventory errors.
Centurylink Retail – we did have a break in at one of
our locations please always be careful and we do see retail stores transition
from Kiosks to actual retail stores.
Orion Workgroups – It has been business as usual other
than the VSPP offer. We continue to watch the impact of the transition of the
operator work to vendors, but do not see center impact at this time.
In Unity
Area Vice President
February 2014
and Sisters
Bargaining started in
District 3 last month, good luck to our brothers and sisters. What they achieve
becomes a template for our next contract.
December 2013
September 19, 2013
Brothers and Sisters
I cannot emphasize the importance of doing the most
important duty that any union member has. Make sure you have received your
ballot; review the summary of the tentative agreement, and VOTE. If you
requested a duplicate ballot it was mailed out the 16th and should be received
no later than tomorrow. All ballots should be returned by mail to the PO Box not
later than September 24, 2013 to ensure that they are available to be
counted on September 25th. Whether you support or reject this agreement make
sure that your voice is heard LOUD AND PROUD by both the bargaining committee
and the company. If you have questions please feel free to review the
District 7 website, flag me down at work or call me at your convenience on my
cell at 602 579-6544 or email at john.cwa70919@gmail.com. I may not have all the
answers but I will commit to getting them for you if I do not.
As soon as we have
a result we will share the results with you.
In Solidarity
AT&T employees we have some very exciting news
we will share next week regarding an important new edition to our structure at
AT&T retail stores .
August 30, 2013
Unit Report Unit 3 SPECIAL EDITION
Contract edition for Centurylink
Brothers and Sisters,
This is perhaps the most difficult report t I have had
to write. By now everyone has seen at least an outline of the proposed
agreement. I want to take a moment to share with you the good, the bad, and the
ugly with this new agreement and what your vote means to the process of
ratification or rejection.
I want to encourage you to go to the meeting Wednesday
where Reed Roberts will be there to review and explain the tentative agreement.
He will also be taking questions and will offer an explanation of the reasons
which led to this agreement.
I also want to be very clear
that no one from our local should be attempting to tell you how to vote. I
really believe every person should have the right to cast their ballot the way
they choose. I also think everyone needs to vote.
Unions are like Gym memberships and just
paying your bill each month doesn’t make you stronger. Whatever the outcome, it
will have the most impact if every single person votes their conscience.
Friday at Eboard, Irene and
Paul reported back from the District 7 conference, where they participated in a
day readout of the contract with the bargaining team. There are some good things
in this contract. Healthcare options for retirees who are Medicare eligible,
caps on the amount of our work that can be contracted out with a speedy
arbitration option if we do not believe the company is fulfilling their end of
the agreement, weight loss surgery options and a new consumer driven healthcare
plan which may be a good option for some people. There are a some negatives
also, primarily the two tier wage scale, the increases to health care benefit
costs and penalties for being married, having a family or smoking, the
separation of us by age, health and seniority. This is not meant to be a precise
list or an explanation. When you receive your ballot there will be a detailed
summary of the agreement.
Please take the time to read it carefully and
then vote.
We know what a yes vote means. The contract will ratify
and we will live with the good and the bad until 2017 when we negotiate our next
A no vote is a little more
complex. If the majority of our membership votes no, several things could
happen. First, the teams could go back to the table and start from scratch.
At the District 7 Conference, the bargaining
team felt strongly this was not a likely outcome. The company could modify the
agreement, usually by “fixing “a couple of things our members object to and then
put the changed agreement out for a revote. Our bargaining committee did not
feel this to be a likely outcome either. What the bargaining team felt was most
likely to happen is the company would terminate the contract, declare an impasse
and put down a last best final offer. There are no limits or restrictions on
what that last best offer could be and there is nothing that would prevent the
company from making this offer substantially worse than what we have today .This
is the committee’s expectation. At that point we either work under the final
offer or go on strike.
If we strike expect it to be
a long strike. CenturyLink did not buy Qwest for its land lines the primary
purpose in buying Qwest was access to its national fiber network and the pursuit
of large business, government, and military contracts. That network is primarily
handled by managers already and would be unaffected by a strike.
This is also where Centurylink derives the
majority of their income. In our last strike we had the public on our side, and
the regulators putting great pressure on USWEST. Centurylink routinely pays
fines if they do not meet standards set by regulators, and regulators are now
more concerned with Cable and Cellphone companies. We do not have a strong
message for the public even though our healthcare will be increased
substantially for the 90% of people not in a union they would not be sympathetic
based on what they have been paying. Our other main issue was contracting and
the company has agreed in our areas to return and sustain 80% of all work to be
done by union employees.
It would be difficult to defend that position
to the public which is where strikes
won and lost.
We do not have the leverage that we had 15 years ago and
the market is different now. Competition brings changes and there are a variety
of options that did not exist previously.
A no vote is a vote that says
you are willing to go out and be on strike for as long as it takes, and that you
are confident that your brothers and sisters will do the same. We do not have
the instant leverage that we had when we were a monopoly so it will take a lot
of time effort and energy to accomplish a strike and there are no guarantees
that the company’s offer will be better than what we have today.
Realistically a strike would put us out of
work for months or a year. We have already seen how Centurylink bargains when
they are paying us, when they aren’t paying us I wouldn’t expect them to be any
faster coming to a resolution.
Think about this carefully.
Weigh the risks and rewards.
Cast your vote according to your conscience.
In unity
July 16, 2013
Keeping this in mind I have
written a motion that our local send a copy
of the companies 7 unifying principles
to the company
bargaining committee,
since it is apparent to me that no one on that
company committee has ever seen them before.
will add definitions to help them understand the meaning of the words.
Here is the important part – and
it’s where everyone has a
to play. Stay informed and up to date.
have up to date bargaining information on the webpage, regular conference calls
every member should listen
to on our webpage
that break down what is discussed at the table. You can submit questions to me
or the hall and they will be answered directly by the bargaining committee on
the next call.
If you have a question or concerns please
reach out to me and every steward has the username and password for the webpage
if you still need it.
We will continue to use whatever means our bargaining
determines necessary to get a fair contract whether that is mobilization,
concerted activity, negotiating at the table or by calling a strike.
We are in this for the long
haul; this took 14 months at AT&T and 16 months at Verizon.
Regardless of how long it takes we will get a
fair contract.
CenturyLink Tempe
CenturyLink Sales
With all of the changes that we have encountered we will
probably have more issues and will continue to work with the company to make
sure we get the best results with the minimum impact to our fellow employees.
We have also been working to
resolve issues with the company’s implementation with the call monitoring
The company feels the call monitoring
agreement only was intended for the sales channel.
We feel strongly, per the guidance of District
Counsel, that the agreement applies to everyone in the contract. We will
continue to watch the company on this issue , and any discipline issued will be
opposed vigorously. We expect the company to follow all aspects of the contract,
not just the ones that they feel are beneficial to them.
AT&T Mobility
In Unity
John Seeley
March 4, 2013
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
Another month has passed, and another contract has been
negotiated. I congratulate our members at AT&T mobility that have tentatively
agreed to a 4 year contract with significant increases to pay and improvements
in contract language in many areas including sales objective relief for any 8
hour increments of vacation, training or union time. Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions on the specifics of your new contract. Your
bargaining committee recommends a yes vote, and I urge everyone to make sure and
return your ballot.
As far as Dex goes, it has been
a quiet month. There
have been no real issues to come to the locals’ attention; however we are always
available in the event an issue arises.
I am looking forward this month to getting out and
meeting our Tempe group, and meeting everyone out there.
I know there has been a lot of
activity in our Sales Support center. I have had a lot of concerns brought to my
attention regarding call observation, monitoring, and the increase in the
objective for SOQ. I wanted to share my thoughts on those issues.
First of all I want to make this very clear;
CWA does not negotiate either performance targets or company policies in the
Occupational Employee Performance Plan (OEPP).
The union was
notified last week from District the company was making these changes effective
April 1st
with the month of March serving as a ramp up to the
new objective. I asked our center leadership why they felt the need to raise our
objective when we were already exceeding the SOQ objective for well over the
last year. They indicated this was to align us with other centers and to give us
a stretch goal.
I don’t know that it makes a lot of sense, but
that is what they said. I have heard a lot of rumors and misinformation probably
because of the way this was rolled out to the center. The company will be using
a different system, but it won’t have any real changes for us the email may just
look different. Every
employee will still be receiving a form for each call or work item observed and
has the right to dispute incorrectly scored observations.
Under our contract, specifically the letter of
agreement on call monitoring, the company must notify you promptly of the
observation and give you timely feedback in the event of any negatively scored
items. Our steward structure has a lot of experience with this situation, and if
you are not getting timely feedback, and appropriate help please let a steward
know and we will see to it that this is done. In the event that an item is
scored incorrectly we will assist you in getting the item fixed.
I have also heard a lot of talk
about the new First Call Resolution plan that the company has, and how it’s
going to save us customers and make everything wonderful.
remember at least three other times that our dear departed senior management
team’s pre CenturyLink tried the same thing. Albert Einstein said, “Doing the
same thing again and again while expecting different results is the definition
of insanity”.
Apparently the folks in Monroe are a whole lot
smarter than Albert Einstein. At any rate as silly as it is, this is something
that company stands firmly behind. In my time here I have seen a lot of bad
decisions by our leadership; this certainly hasn’t been the first time and
probably won’t be the last. In order to protect yourselves, and to make sure
that you pass SOQ’s and Observations, please make sure you use the required
verbiage as professionally as you can. If you don’t know how ask your coaches,
and if your coach can’t tell you how, notify a steward. As employees we deal
with a lot of various situations, some with existing CenturyLink customers, some
with customers that are coming to CenturyLink from a competitor and some
customers that have already had a less than “satisfactory” situation prior to
coming to our center. I do know that we have the best, most professional,
dedicated customer support agents in the company.
It’s not the kind of thing that you can always
fit in a spreadsheet or on a chart, but the dedication and professionalism of
our center will persevere, no matter what “expert” determines that our words
need to be at the end of the call.
will be on the 14th
floor break room this Tuesday to address any concerns that you have regarding
the SOQ metrics, Contract negotiation, or any other issues of concern. Please
check the bulletin boards for exact times.
As far as the contract goes
negotiations are ongoing, and have been all weekend and up through Tuesday. Stay
tuned for bargaining updates or check
the District 7 website; if you need a password
to get into the bargaining section please see any steward.
In Unity,
JANUARY 29, 2013
Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to start out this
report by Thanking Tracy Johnson for all of her work over the last few years on
behalf of our Unit. Tracey has decided to step down as AVP, but will still be an
active part of our steward structure.
I have some pretty big shoes to fill, but I
will work hard to make sure that we continue to fight for our rights in this
difficult time.
I will be also be visiting our retail locations in the
upcoming month, and am looking forward to meeting and learning about the
concerns that you face in a difficult sales environment.
As far as what you can do, stay
informed and up to date.
Make sure you are getting our emails and stay
up to date on the contract through our password protected website. If you need
the password please see me or any steward for that information.
Please wear red on Thursday and keep the
As a member ultimately we will have the final say on
any contract.
ATT Mobility
I appreciate everyone’s patience
through the transition process and I am always available if you have any
questions, compliments, complaints or suggestions either by email or phone. I am
always willing to talk, although for fastest response texting is always best.
I am looking forward to meeting these new
challenges, and applying my past experience as a former Area Rep and AVP to
helping keep Unit 3 as a place that we can all be proud to work.
As a
reminder all Stewards contact numbers are available on the bulletin board or at
John Seeley
November 9, 2012
The DEX Contract has been ratified and the
ratification bonus should be paid out sometime this month.
Look for more information to come from management on the structure of the
payout. Again congrats to our
brothers and sisters at DEX for your patience and endurance it has paid off for
you. If there are any questions feel
free to contact Irene or myself.
Also make sure to keep us in the loop if concerns should arise.
We had our leadership meeting on Friday November 2nd.
Your concerns in regards to
management’s behavior, preferential treatment, discipline, disparity and
retaliation along with several other items were discussed.
What we are finding is that management is not very educated on labor laws
so we are working to educate them the hard way.
We have won several grievances recently and have also brought a couple of
people back from terminations with settlements!!! Way to spank that A$$!!!
They will either get it the easy way or the hard way $$ but they will get
it. Keep me abreast of problems or
concerns and we will get on top of the issues as necessary.
What a flipping mess…Contract negotiations are
ongoing, we are still extending the contract on a daily basis.
What we need to be doing is mobilizing putting the pressure on
management; YES put the pressure on them to do their jobs and not us
doing it for them!!! No Rding, or in
charge, No Training, No Snitching people
out, No MANAGING make them do their freaking jobs!!! And make some
decisions…Lets show them how hard it can be if we stick together right now.
Please don’t tell me they are your friends as I already know, pick a
manager to put the pressure on them.
I want us to turn our extreme attention to getting a new contract!!!!!
The Bargaining reports are bleak at best, and the
team is getting frustrated, however they are still meeting.
What I don’t want us to do is
get weary in well doing, patience will prove its good work in us if we do not
faint, get weary, cave in or quit!!!!! Keep
in mind that we have a contract in place, move forward with open enrollment,
vacation canvassing and taking your time off.
Remember better at work getting paid and caring for our families then on
the street picketing.
Glen Post and his team of executives are racking
in the dough and trying to cut back on paying you a fair wage.
This Corp greed has to stop, I am all for people getting paid their worth
and maybe even more depending on their level of education or expertise but this
crap of getting rich off OUR backs is crazy!!!!
Keep in mind that All of your contractual rights are in place,
health care hasn’t changed, sick time intact and we are moving FORWARD!!!!
I have a few manager projects that I am working on,
(either getting them to manage or get on) we have some managers that are
purposefully trying to put me in harms way.
I am currently arguing that they are trying to keep us pitted against one
another. While some people are being
managed and some are not. And we
have the nerve to go around and brag to our brothers and sisters about the
preferences we are being given. How
shameful, I guess when you are on the receiving end don’t feel any shame, you
feel special…I guess I can’t be mad when we are treated like we deserve across
the board. However when it puts
another’s job in jeopardy or is not equally distributed then I do get mad!!! And
unfortunately, for the ones being treated with preference, I have to speak on
it. Equal treatment is what we
should all want!!!!
Keep in mind that the Union is the sole bargaining
agent for represented employees. In
offline support I have one board charge pending on Duffy and I am about to file
another. They contend that they are
not aware or didn’t know the contract, the law, the National Labor Relations
Act. Really!!! Give me a break I am
all over them no more being nice. I
hope you will support me as we tell Centurylink we want a fair contract!!!!!
The St Mary’s food drive is going on and as much as I
don’t want to make CenturyLink look good the food banks need our help, your
charity will return to you in the form of the blessing you need (you can always
take your donations straight to the food bank).
Also I want us all to send out special prayers and
sympathies to Our Brothers and Sisters whose families have been affected by
In Unity with Patience!!!
October 15,
Congrats to our Brothers and Sisters over at DEX their contract has ended with a
tentative agreement on the table!!!!
They can expect the results of the ratification vote Thursday Oct 18th
by 5pm….As soon as the results are out I will be sure to get them out to you!!!
Praying for ratification, according to members it’s a pretty good deal
not a lot of changes and they get a ratification bonus $$$ if the members accept
the new contract.
ATT Mobility
You guys have your ups and downs I think management needs an overhaul and some
leadership training. Not a whole lot
going on right now we try to tackle these issues as they come up.
We are scheduled to have a leadership meeting with your Senior Leaders
and Area Managers sometime this month and as soon as we do I will send out a
report of how that went. The Iphone
5 launch was successful and hopefully you all were able to increase your
commission significantly!!!
Congrats!!! Keep in mind that your
contract expires in Feb 2013 so bargaining will begin in late Nov or Dec.
We know that you guys cannot do a lot of mobilization so we will look to
those of us who can do it for you.
If you know members who are not receiving emails please either call me or the
hall and get the info updated. If
there are issues you would like to see addressed at the bargaining table please
let me know.
Well the contract expired on the 6th of Oct and we are working day to
day (under old contract) without a new tentative agreement.
I would love to report that the bargaining team has made some great
strides but they have not, the company continues to put regressive proposals on
the table. I am happy to report that
our members are on board and support the bargaining team and the work and
sacrifice that they are making. We
are not asking for a whole lot but we are asking to maintain what we have for
the members that have to work and are not quite ready to retire.
We are also looking to continue to protect our retirees without whom we
wouldn’t have what we have today!!
Thank you to all of them for the job that they (retirees) did it is up to us
to maintain!! The kiosks are not
able to mobilize as they are face to face customer facing and the rest of us are
customer facing through direct contact (phone).
I have had the opportunity to do some face to face communication with a
lot of members lately. It was all
good, they told me what they liked and what they didn’t like and how I could do
better and I appreciate that so much.
This is a tough job but I ran for it!!!
So I am trying to step up my game and attend church, go to school and
attend to my children and grandchildren.
So I know it is tough on some of you.
I say this to you so you will continue to be Encouraged, Patient and Be
strong!!!! Continue to support the
bargaining team; don’t give up on them as they have not given up on US!!!!
Management is doing subtle things to drive a wedge; but before you answer
or entertain their tactics let them know that this contract will affect them
too!! So they should encourage you to stand firm!!!
Some of them don’t care and because their wages and benefits have been
cut they want you to settle. This
is the most important contract we will bargain with Centurylink.
They are continuing to make big dollar purchases and can afford to
continue to treat us with respect as we are the ones making money for this
Mobilization has not stopped however, we are being hindered by the company as
our contract states we will comply and grieve when asked to NOT do something
that is considered permissible mobilization.
We are meeting today MON to run things by our attorneys and I will keep
you posted as things progress.
Here is a touchy subject but needs to be addressed.
Those of us that think we have managers and non-members as friends think
again. These managers are going to
do whatever they need to do to protect their jobs and you can’t blame them, but
we do what we have to as well!!! And
for whatever reason you have non-members who have the sole motivation that is
selfish in nature. We have had
several drops in our Unit, for whatever reason most have been financial.
I have been told that if we strike they will cross.
But I ask you this question which of you can afford to go on strike?
I can’t and I know most of you can’t but we will do what we have to and
use that as a last resort.
So people that you know that have dropped don’t talk to them about the
contract or bargaining reports.
I am not saying be mean or disrespectful but really are you kidding me?? No one
of us is any more important than the rest of us!!!
Don’t worry though if that day should come we will take care of our own
and the issues that we face, we will do everything we can to make sure we are
all taken care of. Some of you don’t
believe that but most of you know that, as you have been through this before BE
Encouraged!!! I will keep you posted
as bargaining continues!!
In Unity,
AVP Tracey Johnson
October 8, 2012
In case you missed it bargaining resumed on Sunday after
contract expiration and one of the first items reviewed was:
Bargaining resumed this morning with talks centering on the Company's proposals
regarding the two-tiering of several of our current titles.
First of these was the proposal to replace the job titles of Data Specialist,
Information Specialist, Sales and Service Specialist, Sales and Service
Consultant and Service Order Administrator. The Company has now clarified
their proposal and is now saying that this would only apply to those holding
these titles in the off-line support groups.
Under the Company’s proposal, this new title would phase in and replace
these titles as the people currently holding these titles left, retired or
transferred out.
As stated earlier, the new proposed weekly wage scale is $630 a week at top
after 48 months of service. After making
deductions for taxes and the cost of single health care coverage, this amounts
to approximately $8.45 per hour
This proposal is after 4 years of service with the company, if this is the case
the new hired employees would come IN at far below minimum wage!!! How crazy is
that. Here is a company that supposedly values our commitment to customer
service. What will that look like if the new title is agreed upon?
If you are not receiving the text messages from the district when new reports
are posted you can always bookmark the district website
http://www.cwadistrict7.org go to the
2012-Qwst-Bargaining-year-2012 and put in the user name and password for
updates. Stay tuned as we continue to support our bargaining team.
Check in daily for information.
Forgive me for being blunt but now is not the time to get scared we should have
been scared long ago!!! Now is the time to get mad as HELL!!! The
company is being very disrespectful and downright insulting with the proposals
they are making. Keep in mind OFFLINE Support that Dargy is on the
bargaining committee and this is how he values your hard work and commitment to
customer service. This is why it is so very important to participate in
the mobilization activities and send a strong message to the company!!! I
am NOT asking you to be insubordinate I am ASKING you to show unity and not be
so selfish that you are ONLY thinking of yourself and your family, and not
considering the sacrifice that I or your other Union Brothers and Sisters are
making. We Stand United? Or are you on your own agenda Please
I have traveled to the kiosks as much as I am permitted to try and catch the
sales reps that are currently represented under our contract. Keep in mind
we are trying to negotiate better coverage and language for this title.
Unfortunately there are a number of employees at locations that don’t get to see
me as much as others. With no help from representatives in your work areas
(because no one has stepped up) you are all feeling the repercussions of not
being informed. I am not the Union but part of it and I can not do this by
myself. If you are reading this message it is your responsibility as well
as mine to get the info out. I have left membership cards at all of the
kiosks if they are no longer there please call the hall or me and let me know
and I will get more to you. It takes all of US!!!
have locations at Arrowhead, Metro Center, and Desert Sky. If you happen
to work near live by or shop at any of these locations. Stop by the
Centurylink kiosks and say hello to our brothers and sisters.
I am doing the best that I can with the restrictions and duties that I am
responsible for. I am not making excuses, I ran for this position and I am
completely accountable for you. I get to every kiosk as much as I can.
In Unity
July 2012
Centurylink Contract Expiration 10-06-2012!!!
Well it’s almost time…Bargaining Begins Aug 15th and from what I can
see we are not ready as a Unit.
The President has been working her tail off to the point she can’t sleep
and she has put the pressure on the Officers to the point we can’t get
everything she needs done. We are
making sacrifices to go to various meetings, and trainings on our own time and
the pressure is mounting. I pray
that it is not all for naught!!
I have been procrastinating in writing this report because
what I am seeing is disappointing.
If this report offends you personally that is not my intention.
However if it offends you as a Union Member then I have hit the mark!!!
We have got to show our UNITY our jobs and our benefits that we have
worked so hard for are at stake. If
you have been with this company for less
than 30 years then a lot of the benefits you received when you started were
already in place. But if you have
any type of tenure then you know that the road hasn’t been easy and you need to
share your experience with your peers.
We have too many non members among us who are reaping the benefits of our
hard work but yet they have not turned down any of the raises we have received,
they don’t balk when they take their families to the doctor and are not paying
outrageous co-pays or picking up there prescription drugs at little or no cost.
I don’t’ see any of them not referencing the contract language when it
will suit them.
Now those of you that have been around for a while are
starting to feel the pinch. These
companies that we represent have not and will not give us what we bargain for
because they like us or they think we are doing a really good job!!!
They would prefer to ship your jobs overseas and get 3 people to do your
job for the price they pay you!!! We
in the fight of our lives this
contract is so important if you are ready for language in your contract that
reads (and I quote from other contracts the company has recently bargained:
“the company reserves the right at their
sole discretion to change, remove or amend the language” this will be around
whatever they chose like Our Pensions, 401k’s and healthcare premiums and then
notify the Union. What’s the point
of the contract??!!!
If you are not nervous after reading that
then you should be!!!
If you don’t stand
for something you will fall for anything!!!!
Talk to the non members in your area
YOU are carrying them while they reap the benefits of our hard work.
Who can afford dues in these hard times??
Now ask yourself if you can afford not to?
I know I can not support my family on $7.75 an hour I just can’t do
it…can you?? Then represent.
Understand this contract can go away and you can become an at will
employee at anytime. I need at least
another 20 years I have already sacrificed 10 and some of you have done so much
Please Stand with me to protect our jobs.
If you are a Praying person now is the time!!
In Unity
Tracey Johnson AVP Unity 3
March 2012
Bargaining will not begin until at least Aug but the company and non member
shenanigans have already started. I
have even found some retirement eligible non members spreading rumors of our
wages being reduced. Make sure to
remind them that we have a bargaining team who will be at the table to represent
us!!! If you have not been able to
fill out a card to say “I will be there” make sure to get with me or an
area rep or steward to fill one out this is our ticket to the bargaining
How can these companies that we have spent our lives working for and making
successful think so little of us and so highly of these executives that have
just come on board. We keep getting
less while they keep getting more.
This is ridiculous. Yes they can
afford to pay our health care and they can continue to cover the retirees who
have paved the way for us and them.
Stop the million dollar bonuses and take care of your employees who are
dedicated to the company’s success!!!!
Tracey Johnson
Feb 2012
This year is in full swing! Wow,
how time flies. It is already
February 2012 and things are moving right along.
I want to address some key items as we continue to move forward.
A lot is happening within the Local.
If you are a dues paying member, be sure to keep your contact information
current with the Union Hall 602-331-7019.
AT&T Mobility
West Valley Kiosk Stores west of Central – The AT&T Mobility Contract expires in
February 2013. Any suggestions or
input is greatly appreciated.
PTW – This is said to be mandatory training for the bottom 20% in productivity.
If you have this day off and are scheduled to attend, be sure to advise
your supervisor in writing why you are unable to attend i.e. travel,
appointments and funerals. This
should prevent you from receiving points if you are unable to attend.
Vacation Carryover expires in March 2012.
Be sure you are scheduled.
OIS - Things are pretty quiet in your group, which is a great thing.
Due to the size of your group, there is little flexibility within demand
and vacation time. If you have
issues, try to work through them with your supervisor.
If you come across any roadblocks, please contact me.
You guys are moving not far in fact closer to and your structure as far
as access goes. Look forward to
seeing me in
There is a requisition out there for a Data Specialist in Operations.
They will report to Tracey Stokes.
This is small group which deals with attendance issues.
Check it out!
Offline Support
20 E Thomas 14th & 15th Floors – Things are moving
along just fine. We are addressing
issues as the come up. Management
has asked for particular information on issues.
I will not be specific to identify individuals unless you ask me to, in
an effort to resolve an issue, as they are using the information to drive a
wedge between workers within the group.
The company has started contingency plans for the upcoming bargaining.
DO NOT let training management or non-members do your job
Things will get tight as they try to apply pressure.
Remember to bring your ‘A’ game to work every day in order to stay under
the radar.
Keep your attendance in order, stay on top of your metrics.
If these Time and Motion Tracks are not working for you, contact your
coach and let them know.
We held Area Rep elections on February 8.
I will keep you posted as new issues arise.
January 17, 2012
Unit Meeting and Area Rep Nomination/Elections Information Below
Area Vice President Tracey Johnson
When: February 8th
7:00pm – 7:30pm
I will be at the Hilton at 4:00pm for those of you who get off early and would
like to stop by.
Please make the time
in your busy schedules to support your
VICE PRESIDENT: Tracey Johnson
A Unit
3 meeting will be held to nominate and
DATE: February 8, 2012
TIME: 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Hilton Hotel - 20 E Thomas
December 15, 2010
From Unit 3 and your Stewards who represent you all in
Qwest, Dex, and ATT Retail, Qwest Kiosks
I want to tell you that right now we are pretty calm. The retail and Kiosks are
concentrating on sales for the Holiday Season. (Qwest and ATT).
Dex has had another surplus announced here in Phoenix. Luckily, it is only one
person and hopefully someone will want to take the package to save that person’s
job. We will soon know. This is the second one this quarter.
Sales Support is also quiet right now. We have some training going on and some
movement on the floors. I believe this is because you are doing such a great job
and the managers have nothing to do. (That must be why they are always in
I also believe it is partly because of the merger. Now that I have brought that
up into the picture, we as a Union, want to get you all thinking about the new
Qwest/CWA contract in 2012. Yes, it is seems a little early, but we will be
dealing with a company that is new to us, they have never worked with this large
of an organized work force, and they do not bargain their **HEALTH CARE OR
We all need to be aware we may have a long road to go with the next contract.
Don’t mean to be doom and gloom, just want all of you to be aware of the
possibilities. We need to get going on our communication structure which allows
the members to communicate at work with out sharing with the rest of the people,
ie.non-members and managers.
We have won a grievance in sales support that was against the company allowing
the managers in training classes to do craft work. ****
The company agreed there is no reason for managers to be doing the work, and the
company is planning on giving us a heads up if any managers are going into the
classes going forward. If you are placed into a class and there are managers,
please let a steward know so we can see what they are there for and what they
are attending class.
A few of the managers like to throw around they have talked to me or a steward
and they were given the okay. Well, that isn’t true and if this happens, call me
or Tracey Johnson and give us a heads up. This is a big win for us. We went
through it in 2006 and won, but that was under Tom Amland. Things have not
changed, managers may not do craft work. There are enough of us that if they
need help on an escalation or a customer out of service, someone who is craft is
around to do the work. I also believe this is a way to get the managers educated
on how to do our work if we go on strike.
We as a unit have worked together in sales support for a long time. I am honored
to work with you all. You do a wonderful job, and I know that that will not
ATT Sales Reps are very busy trying to make their numbers and following all the
rules the company keeps throwing at them. I do want to remind you the Company
may call a training class for early mornings during the week. It has been going
on for awhile. They are to give you a 48 hour notice for these classes. Notice
is to be sent out to the force no less than 48 hours before the class is being
held. If you had the day before the class off and you didn’t get the e-mail
because you don’t do company work (like checking e-mails) on your own time, then
you should be excused without any points. If they gave you more that 48 hours
and you worked on those days but not the day before class, you are not exempt
from the meeting. The company pays you for the time, so I cannot argue it. They
are not making you come in with out pay for the meeting.
This has become lengthy, so I am going to close for now.
In Solidarity,
Mickie Wegner
AVP Unit 3
602 670-3222
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